• Glossary of Terms


This is a blood test to measure the levels of protein in your body and it provides information about the
amount of albumin you have compared with globulin. This comparison is called the A/G ratio.
A1cA1C is a blood test that shows average blood sugar (glucose) levels over the last 3 months.
ABOABO is blood type testing finds out if you have blood type A, AB, B, B or O.
ACHR BINDING ABSTesting measures Acetylcholine receptor antibody in your blood. Acetylcholine is a chemical that
works with nerves to help muscles contract.
AFPAlpha-fetoprotein is a protein present in your blood when you are pregnant. The AFP protein is made
by your fetus' liver.
ALBUMINAlbumin is a protein made by the liver.
ALT/SGPTALT, formerly called SGPT, is mostly found in your liver cells. When liver cells are injured, they release
this enzyme into your blood. High levels are a sign of liver damage.
ANEMIAAnemia is a condition that affects the number of red blood cells in your body. A number of diseases
and conditions can cause anemia.
ANTIBODYYour immune system makes antibodies to fight virus and disease.   
ANTINUCLEAR ANTIBODIESThis blood test is done to help your healthcare provider find out if you have an autoimmune disease.
This kind of disease happens when your immune system attacks your normal cells.
ARTHRITIS / INFLAMATIONArthritis is a group of more than 100 diseases that causes joint swelling (inflammation) and joint stiffness.
AST/SGOTAspartate transaminase (AST) is an enzyme that is released when your liver or muscles are damaged.
BILIRUBINThe liver makes bile to help you digest food, and bile contains bilirubin. A healthy liver can get rid of
bilirubin but when you have liver problems, bilirubin can reach unhealthy levels.
BUNA blood urea nitrogen (BUN) test measures the amount of urea nitrogen found in your blood. BUN
levels help determine how well your kidneys are working.
CAROTENE, BETABeta-carotene is a type of substance called a carotenoid. Beta-carotene is a provitamin. This means
it's used by your body to make vitamin A.
CBCThe complete blood count (CBC) is a blood test used to screen your overall health and to look for
many different illnesses.
CHOLESTEROLCholesterol is a fat-like, waxy substance that can be found in all parts of your body. It helps make cell
membranes, some hormones, and vitamin D.
CKCreatine kinase (CK) is a type of protein. The muscle cells in your body need CK to function. Levels of
CK can rise after a heart attack, skeletal muscle injury, or strenuous exercise.   
CMPComprehensive Metabolic Panel. Your body gets energy from food through a process called
metabolism. The tests in this panel help see how well the 2 major organs involved in metabolism,
your liver and kidneys, are working.
COENZYME Q10Coenzyme Q-10 is a fat-soluble type of substance called a quinone. Coenzyme Q-10 is a powerful
antioxidant. Levels of coenzyme Q-10 decrease with age and they’re also low in people with heart disease.
C-PEPTIDEThis test looks at how well your body makes the hormone insulin. It's used to help diagnose
blood sugar disorders.
CREATININE RATIOCreatinine is a waste product that your body makes when you use your muscles or when your
body digests meat. Healthy kidneys remove creatinine from the blood, and it leaves the body in the urine.
CRP or C-REACTIVE PROTEINThe C-reactive protein (CRP) test is used to find inflammation in your body.
D25-HYDROXYVitamin D. This vitamin plays many roles in the body but it is particularly important for bone health.
DHEADHEA is a hormone made by your adrenal glands. Some DHEA is also made by the ovaries and
testes. DHEA is changed into DHEA-S in your adrenal glands and liver. 
eGFR CALCULATIONEstimated glomerular filtration rate. Kidneys have tiny filters called glomeruli that help remove
waste from the blood. Testing GFR, creatinine and serum systatin C plus other factors such as
weight and age calculate the eGFR.
ESTRADIOLEstradiol is the form of estrogen made mainly by the ovaries.
ESTROGENThere are 3 types of estrogen: estrone, estradiol, and estriol. They impact the sexual and reproductive
development in females.
FERRITINFerritin is a protein that stores the iron red blood cells need to form normally and carry oxygen
around the body. Testing ferritin levels measure how much iron is in your blood.
FOLATESFolate is the natural form of vitamin B-9. Folate is needed to make red blood cells, repair cells and
make DNA.
FREE THYROXINE INDEXMeasurement of the level of the hormone thyroxine (T4) in your blood. The hormone is made by
your thyroid gland.
GASTROINTESTINALGastrointestinal includes the digestive tract, esophagus, stomach, small and large intestine.
GGTThis test checks the level of the enzyme gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT) in your blood. GGT
is found in many organs with highest levels in liver cells. This test helps identify possible damage to
your liver or problems with the liver ducts or gallbladder.
GLOBULINGlobulins are a group of proteins in your blood.
GLUCOSEGlucose is blood sugar and testing finds if levels are within a healthy range. Typically your kidneys
get rid of extra glucose in your urine if your blood glucose rises above normal.
HA1cHemoglobin A1c shows average blood sugar levels over the last 3 months.
HBsAgHepatitis B Surface Antigen testing is used to find out if you have a recent or chronic (on-going)
infection from the hepatitis B virus (HBV).
HCVHepatitis C virus infects the liver, often causing inflammation and damage.
HDLHDL (high-density lipoprotein) cholesterol moves cholesterol out of your arteries. HDL is also
known as the "good" cholesterol.
HELICOBACTER PYLORI ANTIBODIES   H. pylori are bacteria that can attack the stomach lining.   
HEMATOCRITHematocrit means to separate blood. This will test how much of your blood is made up of red
blood cells. Normal blood contains white blood cells, red blood cells, platelets, and plasma.
HEMOGLOBIN (Hb)Hemoglobin is a protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen from your lungs to the rest of the body.
HGHHuman growth hormone is needed to stimulate growth of bone and other tissues.
HIV-1/HIV-2Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). HIV antibody and HIV antigen testing looks for HIV infection
in your blood or saliva.   
HOMOCYSTINEHomocysteine is a type of amino acid naturally made by the body. At high levels, it can damage
the lining of arteries and it can encourage blood clotting putting you at risk for heart attacks,
blood clots and strokes.
HSVHerpes simplex virus (HSV) testing is the best method to diagnose a current or recurrence
of a previous infection.
IGAIgA is an antibody blood protein that is part of the immune system. The body makes IgA and
other types of antibodies to help fight off sickness.
IGF-1IGF-1 is a hormone found naturally in your blood. Its main job is to manage the effects of growth
hormone (GH) in your body.
IgGIgG (immunoglobin G) is the most abundant antibody in the blood. It helps prevent infections. 
IGM I/IIIgM are antibodies in the blood. IgM antibodies are present during an active case of Hepatitis B (HBV).
IMMUNITYImmunity is the state of being resistant to a particular infectious disease.
INFECTIOUS DISEASEInfectious diseases are illnesses caused by germs (such as bacteria and viruses) that enter the
body and can cause an infection.
INRThe International Normalized Ratio test looks to see how well your blood clots.
IRON BINDING CAPACITYThe iron-binding capacity test measures the amount of iron in your blood and looks at how well
iron moves through your body.
KETONESKetones are chemicals made from the breakdown of body fat. A healthy persons body with a normal
diet typically does not make or need to make ketones.
LC/MSLiquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS) is an analytical technique used for separation
and identification of molocule properties.
LDLLow-Density Lipoprotein cholesterol is often called "bad" cholesterol because it causes plaque to
build up and leads to heart disease.
LEUKOCYTEWhite blood cells are also called leukocyte.
LIPASELipase is an enzyme that is made by your pancreas. It helps your body digest fats.
LIPIDCholesterol and triglycerides are lipids, or fats. A lipid test measures the amount of cholesterol and
other fats in your blood.
MCHMean Corpuscular Hemoglobin (MCH) testing measures how much hemoglobin your red blood cells have.
MCHCMCHC is a measurement of the amount of hemoglobin a red blood cell has relative to the size of the cell.
MCVMean Corpuscular Volume (MCV) measures the average size of your red blood cells.
This test looks at a sample of your urine under a microscope.   
NITRITENitrite is a type of nitrogen chemical. The presence could cause changes in hemoglobin and how it
moves oxygen through the body.   
OCCULT BLOODTesting checks for hidden blood in the stool that can't be seen with the naked eye.
pHpH (potential hydrogen) measures acidity of a solution.
PLASMAPlasma is the fluid portion of your blood.
PRAPlasma Renin Activity helps to identify potential donors.
PROGESTERONEProgesterone is a naturally occurring hormone that plays an important role in the female
reproductive system.
PROLACTINProlactin is a hormone made by the pituitary gland, which is in the brain.
PSAProstate-Specific Antigen is a protein made by prostate cells. High levels could indicate disease.
QuantiFERON®-TB Gold PlusThis test is a more accurate and specific test for TB than skin tests.
RBCRBC is a count of Red Blood Cells.
RDWRed Cell Distribution Width is a determination of how the size of the red blood cells vary.
RETICULOCYTE COUNTReticulocytes are red blood cells that are still developing.
RFRheumatoid Factors are proteins made by your immune system that can attack healthy tissue
in the body.
RH TYPINGRh Typing is used to find out if the Rh factor protein is on the outer layer of red blood cells.
RNATesting allows for infectious detection by nucleic acid.
RPRRapid Plasma Reagin is a blood test that looks for antibodies to syphilis, a sexually transmitted infection.
SEDIMENTATION RATETesting measures how quickly red blood cells separate from a blood sample. This checks for
inflammation in the body.
SERUMSerum is the protein-rich fluid that remains when blood coagulates.
SPECIFIC GRAVITYSpecific gravity testing compares the density of urine with the density of water to help identify
dehydration or kidney problems.
T4T4 testing shows how well the thyroid is working.
TESTOSTERONETestosterone is the main sex hormone in males; however, both genders have this hormone.
THBRThyroid Hormone-Binding Ratio estimates the level of proteins that carry thyroid hormone in the blood.
TREPONEMA PALLIDUMTreponema Pallidum is the organism that causes syphilis.
TRIGLYCERIDESTriglycerides are a type of fat called lipids. They are the most common type of fat in the body.
TSHTSH measures the Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone in the body.
UAUrinalysis (UA) is a set of diagnostic tests performed on urine.
URIC ACIDUric Acid is a chemical created when the body breaks down substances called purines.
UROBILINOGENUrobilinogen is a by-product of bilirubin produced when old red blood cells break down.
VLDLVery-Low-Density Lipoprotein (VLDL) cholesterol is produced in the liver.
WBCWhite Blood Cells (WBC) are part of your immune system that protects your body from infection.
WHOLE BLOODWhole blood is blood with all its components intact as it has been drawn from a donor.
Method applied during a Complete Blood Count test to help count cells and measure the level
of different substances in the bloodstream.
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